Yan Xiaofeng Visited Jinan University
2023-10-20 S M L

On October 18th, Yan Xiaofeng, Secretary of the Party Committee and President of the China Building Materials Federation, attended the High Quality Development Conference of Jinan University on the occasion of its 75th anniversary. Accompanied by Liu Chunhua, Secretary of the Party Committee of Jinan University, Liu Zongming, President, and Cheng Xin, former Secretary and President of the Party Committee, Yan Xiaofeng conducted research on the School of Materials Science and Engineering, School of Automation and Electrical Engineering, and library, to understand the school's situation in building materials teaching, research, and other aspects.

He hopes that Jinan University, as a traditional and comprehensive university in the field of building materials, will maintain its original aspiration, leverage its advantages, closely follow the forefront of international and domestic technological development and future trends of the industry, make new breakthroughs and achievements in the fields of automation, intelligence, and basic research of materials in the building materials industry, cultivate more specialized talents for the development of the country and industry, and assist in the improvement and progress of the building materials industry system. 

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