China-U.S. Roundtable on CCUS Cooperation in Building Materials Industry was Successfully Held
2023-11-16 S M L

On November 14th, China Building Materials Federation (CBMF) and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) co-organized the "China-U.S. Roundtable on CCUS Cooperation in Building Materials Industry" to discuss the opportunities for cooperation in the promotion and application of CCUS technology in the building materials industry. Mr. Liu Jianhua, Vice President of CBMF, and Mr. Noah Deich,Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Office of Carbon Management in the Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management (FECM) of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), attended the meeting and delivered speeches. The meeting was hosted by Mr. Shen Yulu, Director of International Cooperation Department of CBMF.


Liu Jianhua introduced a series of important progress and achievements made by CBMF in the R&D and application of CCUS technology from three aspects: scientific and technological research, standard innovation and engineering application. He said that CCUS, as a technology that can realize deep emission reduction and resource utilization of carbon dioxide, is one of the "safety net" technologies to achieve the goal of carbon neutrality, and he hoped that China and the U.S. would strengthen exchanges and cooperation, and jointly contribute to the realization of the development goal of the building materials industry, which is “Superior products and advanced industry, for the benefit of mankind.” 

Noah Deich said that China and the United States have a long-term partnership on the issue of climate change, and he hoped that the two sides can continue to deepen the technical exchanges on energy saving and carbon reduction in the field of building materials industry, especially the promotion and application of CCUS technology, so as to realize the common goal of green, clean and low-carbon development.

Sarah FORBES, Deputy Director, Carbon Management Technologies of U.S. Department of Energy, focused on the research progress of CCUS technology in the U.S. and the application of specific projects in the cement industry. Zhou Liwei, Deputy Secretary General of CBMF and Director of the Standards and Quality Department, introduced the construction of low-carbon standard system in China's building materials industry.

Vice President of SINOMA International Engineering Dr.SUI Tongbo,General Manager Assistant of Anhui Conch Group CHEN Yongbo, VP of Huaxin Cement Co., Ltd Jimmy YANG,Minister of green and low carbon Promotion Department of Tangshan Jidong Cement Co.,Ltd JIANG Yusheng  shared the research and development of CCUS technology, project application and promotion prospects, etc., in the light of the actual situation of their respective enterprises.

Claude Lorea,Cement, Sustainability an Innovation Director of GCCA,Dr. Yang Xiaoliang, China Country Manager of Global CCS Institute,LI Qian,Industry Program Manager of Climate Works Foundation and PAN Zhiming, China Sustainable Cities Project Director of Natural Resources Defense Council,discussed the promoting and development of CCUS technology and its application in the cement industry.

More than 40 representatives from the US Department of Energy, international organizations, domestic research institutes, and cement enterprises attended the exchange meeting.

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