Mr. Jarad Daniels, CEO of Global CCS Institute, Visited CBMF
2024-01-18 S M L

On January 17, 2024, Jarad Daniels, CEO of the Global CCS Institute (GCCSI), and his delegation visited China Building Materials Federation (CBMF). Mr. Liu Jianhua, Vice President of CBMF, welcomed Jarad Daniels and his delegation and had a discussion.

The two sides carried out in-depth exchanges around the low-carbon development path of the building materials industry, CCUS technology innovation and development, and the current situation of industry applications and deployment, and agreed that they would give full play to their respective advantages to further strengthen exchanges and cooperation in CCUS technological innovation, business operation mode, pilot demonstration construction, etc., and promote the application of advanced CCUS technologies.

Dr. Yang Xiaoliang,China Country Manager,and Wu Yi, Public Affairs Lead of Global CCS Institute, Shen Yulu Director of International Cooperation Department, and Luo Ning, Deputy Director of Science & Technology Development Department, participated in this meeting.

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