Deputy Governor of Jiangxi Province, Chen Min, Conducted Research at the China Building Materials Federation
2024-03-12 S M L
Governor of Jiangxi Province, Chen Min, accompanied by a delegation


On March 11th, Deputy Governor of Jiangxi Province, Chen Min, accompanied by a delegation, visited the China Building Material Federation for meeting and exchange with Yan Xiaofeng, President of CBMF. Yang Jun, Deputy Secretary-General of Jiangxi Provincial Government, Jiang Shaolong, Deputy Director of the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, Chen Guoqing, Executive Vice President of CBMF, Liu Jianhua, Vice President of CBMF, and so on. Themeeting engaged in in-depth exchanges on high-quality development in the building materials sector, particularly on promoting stable growth, transformation, and development of new drivers of productivity within Jiangxi Province's building materials industry.

Yan Xiaofeng discussed the current challenges and crucial tasks facing the building materials sector, emphasizing the industry-wide initiative to accelerate the establishment of a modern building materials industry system and to advance green, low-carbon, safe, and high-quality development. He stressed the importance of the building materials industry continuously adjusting and optimizing its industrial structure, enhancing technological innovation, and speeding up the development of new drivers of productivity through disruptive and cutting-edge technologies, thereby creating new industries, models, and dynamics and generating new demands. With its advantageous natural resources and potential for development in the building materials sector, Jiangxi Province is set to receive active support from CBMF, which will allocate superior resources, focus on future industries, and apply new technologies in the field. The Federation will assist in accelerating the green and low-carbon transformation of traditional industries, developing inorganic non-metallic new materials, and promoting the high-quality and efficient utilization of mineral resources.

Chen Min thanked CBMF for its longstanding support and assistance to the development of the building materials industry in Jiangxi Province. He mentioned that Jiangxi Province has rolled out a "1269" action plan for the modernization of key manufacturing industry chains, aiming to enhance and expand 12 key manufacturing industry chains including building materials, establish 6 advanced manufacturing clusters, and achieve an annual revenue growth target of approximately 9% in large-scale industries. With its rich inorganic non-metallic resources and solid industrial foundation, the building materials sector in Jiangxi is at a critical juncture for accelerating structural adjustments, shifting energy dynamics, and transitioning development. Chen Min expressed hope for further strategic cooperation with CBMF, including hosting significant industry conferences in Jiangxi, conducting innovative application demonstration pilots, and steering the Jiangxi building materials industry towards greener, higher-end, more diverse, and clustered development, thus achieving high-quality development of Jiangxi's building materials industry.

Chen Wensheng, Chairman and General Manager of Jiangxi Building Materials Group and President of Jiangxi Building Materials Federatio, Xiao Zhifei, Director of the Third Department of the Provincial Government and Senior Researcher, Dong Wenzhu, Director of the Building Materials Department of the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, Xie Dong, Chairman and General Manager of Jiangxi Building Materials Design Institute, Wu Jianjian, Director of Planning and Development Department of Jiangxi Building Materials Group, Sun Xingshou, Chief Economist, Deputy Secretary-General, and Director of the Industry Work Department, Zhou Liwei, Deputy Secretary-General and Director of the Standards and Quality Department, and Cao Yuanhui, Deputy Director of the Office of CBMF, participated in this meeting.

Public Account
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