President Yan Xiaofeng Conducted a Research Visit to Jiangsu Jinfeng Cement Group
2024-03-29 S M L

On March 26th, Yan Xiaofeng, President of the China Building Materials Federation, conducted a research visit to Jiangsu Jinfeng Cement. He held discussions and exchanges with Xu Guisheng, Vice President of the Building Materials Federation and Chairman of Jinfeng Cement. Chen Guoqing, Executive Vice President of the Building Materials Federation, Nie Changlan, Honorary Chairman of the Jiangsu Building Materials Association, and Zhang Lanrong, Special Vice President of the Building Materials Federation and Executive Chairman of the Jiangsu Building Materials Association, participated in the research.


After a detailed understanding of the history of Jinfeng Cement and its recent development, both sides engaged in in-depth communication on the production, operation, and structural adjustments of the cement industry nationwide and in Jiangsu Province, as well as the research project "Capacity Replacement and Staggered Peak Production Policy Adjustment in the Cement Industry" conducted by CBMF under the commission of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. Both parties expressed their commitment to proposing legal and reasonable policy suggestions from the perspective of adhering to market principles and implementing comprehensive measures, guiding capacity reduction and enterprise development through technological progress, and thus promoting the green, low-carbon, safe, and high-quality development of the cement industry.

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